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Whether or not you admire this company, you’ll have to admit that they are continually innovating.  From their core as a search engine to Chrome, fiber, driverless cars, Google Earth, google apps, Alphabet, and so forth, they are living the innovation dream so to speak.                                                                                          more...

It’s no secret that team performance drives business performance, and leaders are beginning to realize that dividing their organizations into areas of functional expertise (i.e. silos) does nothing to promote the panoramic view and understanding employees need to make accurate and timely decisions.                                                                 more... 

These days, companies need to make their digital technology platforms to accelerate their growth. These platforms provide building blocks necessary for doing a digital business.                                       more...

Joe Pulizzi, a self-proclaimed content-marketing evangelist, calls native advertising the “gateway drug” to content marketing. If you’re smart, you’ll jump on the native-marketing train: Spending on these ads will reach $7.9 billion this year and $21 billion by 2018.


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